Impact on Society 


Because this topic is so new to today's world, it requires more research before we can begin to use it on more patients. So further research requires more money to be spent in the research efforts. "At present the National Institutes of Health has a small, $190 million initiative, called the Epigenome Roadmap, with the money going to individual researchers" (Citation-9). This research cost will be similar to the project in which the human genome was decoded (Citation-9).


As comes with most new found scientific theories and discoveries comes controversy. Not every person may agree with the regeneration of tissues or changing how a person was born. Controversy is inevitable and must occur for people to think things out logically and not become implusive with research and treatment.

 Is It Safe?

Like with relatively new medication or products, society must understand that the study and treatment associated with Epigenetics may contain some flaws. Any treatment must go through trial and error to become perfected. Until this happens we can not be 100% sure of its safety or the effects it will have on every person, as is the same with any treatment.


 This website is a compilation of information derived from numerous educational, news, and technological websites. All information is cited.

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